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laforge, 02/19/2016 10:49 PM
update compal_dnload with information about osmocon

PageOutline = osmocon =

Using osmocon on your (Linux) PC, you can * download arbitrary object code (such as the osomcomBB apps) into your Compal-made Calypso-based phone,
using the protocol described at [wiki:CompalRamloader] * establish HDLC multiplexed communications channels with the software on the phone * /tmp/osmocom_l2 is the socket for the [wiki:L1A_L23_Interface] * the terminal itself acts as sercomm console to read text messages generated by the phone

Usage * Connect your Compal phone to a serial port of your PC, using a [wiki:CalypsoSerialCable] (3.3V RS232 on 2.5mm headphone jack) * Start the osmocon program like this {{{
$ ./osmocon -m c123xor -p /dev/ttyUSB0 /path/to/your/object_code.bin
}}} * Push the power-on button of your phone (short push, not like a regular phone boot!) * Observe the following output: {{{
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 04
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 81
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 1b
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: f6
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 02
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 00
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 41
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 01
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 40
Received PROMPT1 from phone, responding with CMD
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 1b
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: f6
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 02
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 00
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 41
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 02
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 43
Received PROMPT2 from phone, starting download
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 1b
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: f6
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 02
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 00
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 41
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 03
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 42
Received DOWNLOAD ACK from phone, your code is running now!
}}} * Observe further output of the serial port generated by the code you have downloaded {{{
Hello World from C program code ======================================================================
Device ID code: B4FB
Device Version code: 0000
ARM ID code: FFF3
cDSP ID code: 0128
Die ID code: 6397191EFA039BE7 ======================================================================
CNTL_ARM_DIV=FFF9 ======================================================================
CNTL_ARM_DIV=FFF9 ======================================================================
Releasing DSP from Reset
Loading initial DSP bootcode
Releasing DSP from Reset
Setting some api_ndb values
Setting API NDB parameters
DSP Download Status: 0001
DSP API Version: 0DC4 6308
Finishing download phase
DSP Download Status: 0002
DSP API Version: 3606 0000
}}} Known Problems

For some USB-Serial converters (most notably FTDI based cables), you might need the {{{-m c123}}} mode, not the {{{-m c123xor}}} mode.

Updated by laforge over 8 years ago · 6 revisions

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