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laforge, 02/19/2016 10:48 PM

= The FPGA on the GSM Development Board =

Functional Blocks

=== CLK13GEN ===
The 13MHz master clock generator. We feed the 26MHz clock as generated by the [wiki:TRF6151] VCTCXO into the FPGA and want a 13MHz clock as result.

=== TPU ===
The purpose of the TPU is to pre-configure certain events to happen synchronous to a certain time. ''Time'' in this context means
a clock ticking at a rate of CLK_QBIT.

==== TPU CLK_QBIT ====
CLK_QBIT = CLK_13M/12 equals 923.1ns, which is a quarter of a GSM bit.

This clock has to be generated internally by a divider.

==== Actual TPU ====

In the TI DBB, the TPU is a micro-programmable engine with an instruction set of 5 instructions.

Each instruction takes four phases (FETCH, STORE, DECODE, EXECUTE). As all of the phases have to complete in CLC_QBIT,
the engine is clocked at four times this clock, i.e. CLK_13M/3.

We don't really care how many phases/stages the engine has. We simply need something that we can program to execute an event at a scheduled time.

==== TPU Requirements ====

The TPU needs to drive the [wiki:TimeSerialPort Time Serial Port] for the [wiki:TWL3025] and [wiki:TRF6151], as well as some parallel I/O lines.

  • serial output * CLK13M is the global 13MHz clock generated by CLK13GEN. * As CLK13GEN already exports this from the FPGA, no need for the TPU to export it again * TRF6151:STROBE -- the strobe signal for the [wiki:TRF6151] TSP * TWL3025:TEN -- the TSP ENable signal for the [wiki:TWL3025] TSP * TSP_DO -- the TSP Data Out signal, connected to TWL3025:TDR and TRF6151:DATA
  • parallel output * TSPACT0 -- connected to the [wiki:TRF6151]:RESETz signal * TSPACT1 -- connected to the [wiki:ASM4532]:VC2 signal * TSPACT2 -- connected to the [wiki:ASM4532]:VC1 signal * TSPACT3 -- connected to the [wiki:RF3166]:BAND_SELECT signal * TSPACT4 -- connected to the [wiki:ASM4532]:VC3 signal * TSPACT9 -- connected to the [wiki:RF3166]:TX_ENABLE signal

==== TSP of TRF6151 ====

The TSP to the TRF6151 uses three wires: * CLOCK (regular CLK_13M) * STROBE (generated by TPU) * DATA (provided by TPU at falling edge of CLOCK, TRF samples data at rising edge of CLOCK)

See [wiki:Rita] for a more detailed description of the TSP timings required.

==== TSP of TWL3025 ====

The TSP of the TWL3025 usese three wires: * CLOCK (regular CLK_13M), the TSL3025 derives an internal CLK6.5 signal of half the clock rate and uses it for the TSP) * nTEN (TSP ENable) * TDR (sampled by TWL3025 at rising edge of CLK6.5)

See [wiki:Iota] for a more detailed description of the TSP timings required.

Updated by laforge over 8 years ago · 3 revisions

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