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laforge, 06/03/2018 10:24 PM

Call Hold SS

Call Hold (HOLD) is specified together with Call Waiting (CW).

Relevant Specifications


  • the HOLD state is not a state in the 24.007/24.008 call control state machine, but an auxiliary state machine:
    • Idle before/after any HOLD or after HOLD REJECT.
    • Hold request HOLD sent but no response yet
    • Call Held after successful HOLD operation
    • Retrieve request RETRIEVE sent but no response yet

notification of other party

The other party is notified if SS-screening != 0:
  • Facility/Invoke/NotifySS/HOLD

HOLD activation

  • MS sends HOLD
  • MSC responds with HOLD ACK in successful case
  • MSC responds with HOLD REJECT in error case (#29: rejected, #50: not subscribed, #69: not implemented, ...)

RETRIEVE activation

  • MS sends RETRIEVE
  • MSC responds with RETRIEVE ACK in successful case
  • MSC responds with RETRIEVE REJECT in unsuccessful case

altenating between calls

The HOLD/RETRIEVE messages contain the regular CC transaction identifer, which is used to differentiate different calls. You can put one call on hold and subsequently retrieve another.

Updated by laforge about 6 years ago · 1 revisions

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