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fixeria, 02/19/2016 10:49 PM

Branches description

There are several branches you can see in the project repository. Some project changes are incompatible with each other, so they exists in separate branches. Let's look at the most interesting of them.

Like in many other git projects this is the main branch of [[OsmocomBB]].
Using this branch you can dump the burst sequences (even encrypted) from the network. It is possible through the Sylvain's DSP patch which forwards the raw bursts to host apps without any processing from its side. Note that isn't hacking tool and is only meant as a quick tech demo. See [[Sniffing]].
It is possible to turn Calypso based phone into a small BTS. The [[SoftwareTransceiver|transceiver]] app can be used in OpenBTS or OsmoBTS setup.
This code based on Sylvain's testing branch and allows you to split one TRX into several phones or use multiple phones for multiple TRX.
It contains the EMI app and Sylvain's TRX hack, which is required to transmit multiple bursts per frame. EMI is a tool to generate GSM RF interferences and can be used to test how GSM radiation affects other equipment. See [[emi-firmware|OsmocomBB EMI Firmware]].
This branch provides a menu application which allows you to choose and run one application of several others stored on flash. For details, see [[flashing_new|Flashing tutorial]].
This branch is jolly's attempt to create a minimal user interface. As at this time L2 and L3 works on host side only this UI implementation just controls the mobile process.
This is not a real IMSI Catcher as you might think. This is [[OsmocomBB]] based tool which can detect fake base station activity and some other network irregularities, for example silent SMS. I think it can be even more powerful than other projects aimed to protect people from [[FakeBTS]] because [[OsmocomBB]] provides access to most detailed GSM data. See CatcherCatcher.
Contains the modified cell_log app which can be used to grab some traffic from surrounding cells and send it to the project. Some usage info can be found in this tutorial.
An [[OsmocomBB]] compatible phone can be used as SIM reader for the SIMTester tool. This requires a modified firmware and a library. Patched sources can be found in this branch.

The rest of the branches contain the changes that have already been applied to the master.


Updated by fixeria over 8 years ago · 3 revisions

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