


2024-06-05: RetroNetCall: Nokia TCSM2 Initial examination

Added by laforge 28 days ago

We're happy to announce the next incarnation of RetroNetCall, the retronetworking oriented spin-off of OsmoDevCall

This time, we have the first part of a series of presentations by falconia on classic circuit-switched GSM TRAU (Transcoder and Rate Adaption Unit): Nokia TCSM2, a bank of TRAUs with E1 interfaces: Part 1, initial examination of the hardware

When: Wednesday, June 5, 2024 from 20:00 CEST (summer time now)

Time Topic Who
20:00 Meet and Greet everyone
20:10 Nokia TCSM2, a bank of TRAUs with E1 interfaces: Part 1, initial examination of the hardware falconia
21:00 USSE (Unstructured Supplementary Social Event) everyone


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