


Bug #6178

Updated by laforge 10 months ago

Hi, I'm using sysmoISIM-SJA2. 
 I try to create a EF item using create_ef in, here is my command under `MF/ADF.USIM`: 

 @create_ef `create_ef --ef-arr-file-id 6f06 --ef-arr-record-nr 2 --file-size 60 --structure transparent 6f77@ 6f77` 
 I'm sure 6f77 is not used. 
 However, I got error @EXCEPTION `EXCEPTION of type 'SwMatchError' occurred with message: SW match failed! Expected 9000 and got 6982: Command not allowed - Security status not satisfied@. satisfied`. 
 Can you help me with some guidance?  
 I tried @verify_adm xxxx@ `verify_adm xxxx` command, it return noting and create_ef still failed. 
 I also tried @-A PIN_ADM1_HEX@, `-A PIN_ADM1_HEX`,    PIN_ADM1_HEX=PIN1+PIN2+ADM1, but it raise @'UiccCardBase' `'UiccCardBase' object has no attribute 'verify_adm'@. 'verify_adm'`. 


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