



Feature #5590


Retronetworking / OCTOI / BBS Exhibit at VCFB 2022

Added by laforge about 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:



Vintage Computing Festival Berlin 2022 is scheduled for October 8+9, 2022

It would be great to put together an exhibit there, re-using the small rack based setup that was at the 2019 CCC congress (Auerswald PBX, Freeswitch, Portmaster3) as well as a number of modems / ISDN-TA etc. to show BBS dial-up and the like.

I have all the equipment and can work on the preparation/setup, but I think it would be very helpful if this was not a one-man show but if somebody would be around to help particularly on-site when there are visitors looking for demo, explanation, help, ...

Registration deadline is September 7, as indicated at

Before we go into what we could/should demo, I would like to get a feeling if anyone is interested in helping out.


  • figure out the exact theme/topic
  • re-test PM3/FreeSwitch/AUCM2 rack
  • change PM3 config to radius call-check for direct CalledParty->Telnet mapping
  • revisit + retest laptops / OS / software situation
  • plan + document (poster) some exhibits
  • instructions for visitors/users: what could/should they do?
  • copy PM3 telnet configs from co-located hub; test some more BBSs
  • configure and test PM3 PPP dialup ISDN+analog
  • add icE1usb to event setup for back-haul to hub (optional)
  • configure some openvpn tunnel to atom1u so we have a permanent static IP for the event system, whenever/wherever it might be attached to some internet uplink
  • consider incorporating the BTX server (cquirin's setup?)

Related issues

Related to Retronetworking - Feature #5591: Retronetworking related talk at VCFB 2022Closedlaforge06/25/2022

Actions #1

Updated by dexter about 2 years ago

I have nothing to show/demo this year but after 2 years pause I think it would be fun to run an exhibit this year. I probably won't have much time to do preparations, but as far as I understand the setup is basically working. I can definitely help with setting it up on site and show stuff to people.

At the moment I do not have much telco equipment, other than a few old phones. However, I have 300 baud acoustic couplers though.

Actions #2

Updated by laforge almost 2 years ago

  • Checklist item figure out the exact theme/topic added
  • Checklist item re-test PM3/FreeSwitch/AUCM2 rack added
  • Checklist item change PM3 config to radius call-check for direct CalledParty->Telnet mapping added
  • Checklist item revisit + retest laptops / OS / software situation added
  • Checklist item plan + document (poster) some exhibits added
  • Checklist item instructions for visitors/users: what could/should they do? added
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

dexter wrote in #note-1:

I probably won't have much time to do preparations, but as far as I understand the setup is basically working. I can definitely help with setting it up on site and show stuff to people.

Thanks a lot for offering your help!

In terms of preparations: Indeed we have the working setup from the last CCC congress. I'll re-test it here, do some modifications (PM3 radius pre-check for automatic MSISDN -> Telnet routing) and add an icE1usb for back-haul to the OCTOI network, so we can also call remote destinations.

I think I can prepare all of that. It might make sense to meet once ahead of the event, when I have everything working, so I can walk you through it ahead of the event.

At the moment I do not have much telco equipment, other than a few old phones. However, I have 300 baud acoustic couplers though.

I think in terms of equipment quantity to exhibit, there's quite a lot in my collection. The various analog modems and ISDN-TAs are usable as-is. I also have a few laptops either with serial port, or with USB-Serial converter. At the CCC congress they were mostly use to run Terminal Programs for BBS dialup.

I have one 300bps accoustic coupler that I haven't used in many years, plus also a matching phone.

What we still have to figure out is a bit of a "red line" through the exhibition and probably a few posters.

There are many different topics possible in this area, and we have to see where to put the focus:
  • analog and digital telephony systems?
    • subscriber connectivity (a/b, Uk0, S2M)
    • digitization of the telecom network itself
  • modem and ISDN adapter hardware (active/passive/...)?
  • BBSs / DFUe
  • dial-up internet (client side [Trumpet Winsock,...] to ISP side [RAS servers, ...])

In terms of the physical setup, I would think it's best to have a few fixed demos (like the RIPterm exhibit whose progressive graphics was a popular eye-catcher) and then a few (3-4?) chairs+tables where people can use a laptop + Modem/TA to explore things themselves.

Actions #3

Updated by kevit almost 2 years ago

will be happy to give a hand, interested in FTN, ADSL, Dial-up
May write playbooks/workflows

Actions #4

Updated by laforge almost 2 years ago

kevit wrote in #note-3:

will be happy to give a hand, interested in FTN, ADSL, Dial-up
May write playbooks/workflows

This is excellent news! Are you local (Berlin region) or just travelling to Berlin for VCFB?

Actions #5

Updated by kevit almost 2 years ago

laforge wrote in #note-4:

kevit wrote in #note-3:

will be happy to give a hand, interested in FTN, ADSL, Dial-up
May write playbooks/workflows

This is excellent news! Are you local (Berlin region) or just travelling to Berlin for VCFB?

My homebase for now is Duesseldorf

Actions #6

Updated by laforge almost 2 years ago

Definitely plan to do so)

but you're plannin to attend VCFB? Just wanting to make sure there's no misunderstanding :)

Actions #7

Updated by manawyrm almost 2 years ago

I have to be a little careful (due to my fluctuating physical health), but I plan to be there too.
Would be willing to do some "exhibit duty" and show the cool tech off.

2x T-View 100's might also be a cool exhibit, most people probably haven't seen those in action?
I think I would be willing to risk mine by showing them off :)

How about some signs/posters with some tech specs and maybe info about OCTOI? Is there space for posters? (haven't been to a VCFB yet)
I have some acrylic DIN-A5 holders which could be nice as well?

Actions #8

Updated by laforge almost 2 years ago

manawyrm wrote in #note-7:

I have to be a little careful (due to my fluctuating physical health), but I plan to be there too.

sorry to hear, of course we don't want to you over-exert yourself.

Would be willing to do some "exhibit duty" and show the cool tech off.


2x T-View 100's might also be a cool exhibit, most people probably haven't seen those in action?
I think I would be willing to risk mine by showing them off :)

I can offer at least one from my collection, too. The second one is still not yet repaired.

How about some signs/posters with some tech specs and maybe info about OCTOI? Is there space for posters? (haven't been to a VCFB yet)

Yes, there is space for posters. Typically exhibits have a number of pinboards to which you can attach posters, plus some tables with the exhibits and a few chairs in front of the tables. The posters are typically located behind the tables, so from the "visitor" side you have the arrangement chair, table, pinboard_with_poster

I have some acrylic DIN-A5 holders which could be nice as well?

Could be for individual exhibits.

I guess the most important topic right now is to settle on the exact topic/focus that we want to have. I guess it will be something like "ISDN and DFUe" ? Not much focus on applications but just show some modems, ISDN adapters, terminal programs, video telephony, etc?

Actions #9

Updated by laforge almost 2 years ago

  • Checklist item figure out the exact theme/topic set to Done
Actions #10

Updated by laforge almost 2 years ago

I've now made the following submission and requested at least 4 tables (280x70 cm), indicating that we can put up more equipment if more space is free:

In der Ausstellung "DFÜ mit Modems und ISDN" zeigen wir ein privates/digitales Telefonnetz, um darüber Kommunikation mit diversen Modems, ISDN-Adaptern, ISDN-Bildtelefonen aus den 1980ern und 1990ern vorzuführen. An den Modems sind zeitgenössische PCs/Laptops mit passender Software (Terminalprogramme, Pointsoftware, etc.) um den damals üblichen Zugriff auf BBS/Mailboxen sowie die Anfänge des Dialup-Internets zu demonstrieren.

Die Sammlung ist Teil des "Retronetworking" Projekts, welches sich im Umfeld von Osmocom (Open Source Mobile Communications) in den letzten Jahre mit dem Zweck gebildet hat, historische Kommunikationstechnik - weit über ISDN/Modems hinaus - am Leben zu erhalten.

Misc comments to the organizers:

Die grösse ist Flexibel. Wir haben jede Menge Equipment, das vorführbereit ist. Es sind von uns 2-3 Leute zur Betreuung/Erklärung vor Ort. Wenn Platz ist, können es gerne auch ein paar mehr Tische sein, wir stellen dann historische Laptops mit Modem hin, damit mehrere Leute gleichzeitig sich einwählen und ausprobieren können.

Wir können auch gerne analoge Telefonanschlüsse oder ISDN-Basisanschlüsse (S0 Bus) für andere Ausstellungen am VCFB bereitstellen; optional auch mt Modem/TA. Ports haben wir an unserer Anlage, Kabel/ Verlaengerungen sind auch in gewissem Umfang vorhanden. Dann könnte man sich z.B. auch in die VAX nebenan einwählen oder was auch immer.

Actions #11

Updated by laforge almost 2 years ago

  • Related to Feature #5591: Retronetworking related talk at VCFB 2022 added
Actions #12

Updated by laforge almost 2 years ago

Actions #13

Updated by laforge almost 2 years ago

  • Checklist item re-test PM3/FreeSwitch/AUCM2 rack set to Done
Actions #14

Updated by laforge over 1 year ago

  • Checklist item change PM3 config to radius call-check for direct CalledParty->Telnet mapping set to Done
Actions #15

Updated by laforge over 1 year ago

  • Checklist item copy PM3 telnet configs from co-located hub; test some more BBSs added
  • Checklist item configure and test PM3 PPP dialup ISDN+analog added
  • Checklist item add icE1usb to event setup for back-haul to hub (optional) added
  • Checklist item configure some openvpn tunnel to atom1u so we have a permanent static IP for the event system, whenever/wherever it might be attached to some internet uplink added
  • Checklist item consider incorporating the BTX server (cquirin's setup?) added
  • % Done changed from 10 to 40
  • DAHDI on atom1u upgraded to latest laforge/trunkdev git
  • freeswitch <-> PM3 interop bug solved (PM3 doesn't include called-address in call-check radius if type-of-number==unknown)
  • number plan changed to fit into OCTOI hub; now the event setup is using +49-30-2600-xxxx (2xxx for Auerswald, 3xxx for PM3)
  • PM3 radius integration works (still needs a long table of telnet services
  • set up an old Thinkpad E145 as laptop to become permanent part of the evenet setup
  • configured PBX to have normal dialtone on all analog ports
Actions #16

Updated by laforge over 1 year ago

  • Checklist item revisit + retest laptops / OS / software situation set to Done
  • Checklist item copy PM3 telnet configs from co-located hub; test some more BBSs set to Done
  • Checklist item configure and test PM3 PPP dialup ISDN+analog set to Done
  • Checklist item add icE1usb to event setup for back-haul to hub (optional) set to Done
  • Checklist item configure some openvpn tunnel to atom1u so we have a permanent static IP for the event system, whenever/wherever it might be attached to some internet uplink set to Done
Actions #17

Updated by laforge over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 40 to 90
Actions #18

Updated by laforge over 1 year ago

  • Checklist item consider incorporating the BTX server (cquirin's setup?) set to Done

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