


Gapk » History » Revision 14

Revision 13 (fixeria, 07/16/2018 04:30 PM) → Revision 14/18 (fixeria, 07/16/2018 04:46 PM)

h1. GAPK (GSM Audio Pocket Knife) 


 The GAPK (GSM Audio Pocket Knife) is a project, the product of which is a core library (libosmogapk) and a command-line tool (osmo-gapk) for conversions between the various GSM related codecs (HR/FR/EFR/AMR) and PCM audio. It supports many different formats for the codec frames, including ETSI and IETF standardized formats, as well as vendor-specific formats like those found in the TI Calypso DSP (see [[OsmocomBB:]]) and those of Racal 6103/6113 GSM test equipment. 

 h2. Supported Codecs 

 |pcm|Raw PCM signed 16bits samples|native| 
 |hr|GSM 06.20 Half Rate codec|libgsmhr[1] (GSM 06.06 reference code)| 
 |fr|GSM 06.10 Full Rate codec (classic gsm codec)|libgsm| 
 |efr|GSM 06.60 Enhanced Full Rate codec|opencore-amr| 
 |amr|GSM 26.061 Adaptive Multi Rate codec|opencore-amr| 

 [1] Note: due to the licensing problems, the GSM 06.06 reference *code is not included* as a part of GAPK. Moreover, the reference implementation has some additional problems, such as relatively low performance and poor code quality (lots of warnings, global state variables). Passing the _--enable-gsmhr_ configuration flag will enable the source code downloading, patching and compilation. 

 h2. Supported Formats 

 |amr-efr               |Classic .amr file containing EFR (=AMR 12.2k) data| 
 |gsm                   |Classic .gsm file format (and RTP payload for FR according to RFC3551)| 
 |hr-ref-dec            |3GPP HR Reference decoder code parameters file format| 
 |hr-ref-enc            |3GPP HR Reference encoder code parameters file format| 
 |racal-hr              |Racal HR TCH/H recording| 
 |racal-fr              |Racal FR TCH/F recording| 
 |racal-efr             |Racal EFR TCH/F recording| 
 |rawpcm-s16le          |Raw PCM samples Signed 16 bits little endian| 
 |ti-hr                 |Texas Instrument HR TCH/H buffer format| 
 |ti-fr                 |Texas Instrument FR TCH/F buffer format| 
 |ti-efr                |Texas Instrument EFR TCH/F buffer format| 
 |amr-opencore          |Input format to libopencore-amrnb| 
 |rtp-amr               |RTP payload for AMR according to RFC4867| 
 |rtp-efr               |RTP payload for EFR according to RFC3551| 
 |rtp-hr-etsi           |RTP payload for HR according to ETSI TS 101 318| 
 |rtp-hr-ietf           |RTP payload for HR according to IETF RFC5993| 


 h2. Source Code 

 You can find the source code in git: 
 * (cgit web interface) 
 * @git clone git:// for cloning the repository 

 h2. Dependencies 

 The only mandatory dependency of GAPK is [[libosmocore:libosmocore]]. Make sure you have the latest version and update it if required. 

 Optional libraries: 

 * libalsa - ALSA sound capture / playback support, 
 * opencore-amrnb - AMR and EFR codec support, 
 * libgsm - FR codec support. 

 Install them using the package manager of your distribution, e.g. for Debian-based systems: 

 $ apt-get install libasound2-dev libopencore-amrnb-dev libgsm1-dev 

 for Arch Linux: 

 $ pacman -S alsa-lib opencore-amr gsm 

 h2. Common use cases 

 h3. Conversion between different codecs / formats 

 First of all, make sure that required codecs are supported by your build: 

 $ osmo-gapk -h 
 Supported codecs: 
  name 	 fmt enc dec 		 description 
   pcm 	  *          		 Raw PCM signed 16 bits samples 
    hr 	  *     *     *  		 GSM 06.20 Half Rate codec 
    fr 	  *     *     *  		 GSM 06.10 Full Rate codec (classic gsm codec) 
   efr 	  *     *     *  		 GSM 06.60 Enhanced Full Rate codec 
   amr 	  *     *     *  		 GSM 26.071 Adaptive Multi Rate codec 

 Example: converting .gsm (GSM FR codec) file to .amr (GSM EFR codec AMR 12.2k): 

 $ osmo-gapk -i input_file.gsm -f gsm -g amr-efr -o output_file.amr 

 h3. RTP sink with audio playback on sound card 

 You can run @gapk@ as a _RTP sink_, i.e. listening to a given UDP port for incoming RTP frames, decoding them from their respective audio codec and then playing them back via your computers' sound card: 

 $ osmo-gapk -I -f rtp-amr -A default -g rawpcm-s16le 

 * *@-I* indicates the IP adddress (any) and UDP port (30000) to bind to and receive RTP frames on 
 * *@-f rtp-amr@* indicates the codec. Use *@gsm, rtp-efr, rtp-amr, rtp-hr-etsi or rtp-hr-ietf@* depending on your use case 
 * *@-A default@* is the alsa hardware device name (default is the default sound card) 

 h2. Contact / Mailing List 

 The project is too small to have it's own mailing list.    Instead, we use the mailing list ("subscribe": Please observe the [[cellular-infrastructure:Mailing_List_Rules]]. 

 h2. Authors 

 @gapk@ as written by Sylvain Munaut with contributions from Harald Welte.  

 It uses external libraries for the actual audio codecs, such as @libgsm@, @libopencore-amrnb@ nd the ETSI reference implementation for GSM-HR.
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