


Titan TTCN3 Testsuites » History » Revision 34

Revision 33 (osmith, 05/07/2019 07:22 AM) → Revision 34/52 (Hoernchen, 05/16/2019 01:05 PM)


 h1. Osmocom Titan TTCN3 Testsuites 

 In 2017, Osmocom started to create extensive tests suites for the Cellular Network Infrastructure elements.    Those suites are written in the [[TTCN-3]] programming language and use the compiler and executor of the [[Eclipse_TITAN]] project. There are special cases, but in general, the idea is to test one component (e.g. @osmo-mgw@) independently. 


 h2. Source Code / Patches 

 The source code of our test suites lives in the @osmo-ttcn3-hacks@ repository 
 * cgit web interface: 
 * clone: @git clone git:// 
 * patch review: 

 We're following the [[Gerrit]] process for patch review. 

 h2. Proprietary APER<->BER transcoding library for Iu tests 

 As TITAN can only generate and parse ASN.1 BER encoding, but the Iu-CS, Iu-PS and Iuh interfaces are using APER encoding, sysmocom is providing a proprietary transcoding library called libfftranscode.    Debian9 amd64 packages are available from 

 We don't like to depend on proprietary software, but given that there is no FOSS ASN.1 compiler that can parse all ASN.1 constructs of the RANAP/RUA/HNBAP specs *and* parse + generate both BER and APER, this is the lesser evil.    Note that the dependency to this proprietary library is only required for the TTCN3 test suite and not a runtime dependency of any of the Osmocom programs itself. 


 h2. Test Suites 

 |_.Implementation under Test|_.Testsuite|_.Jenkins| 

 h2. Running a testsuite 

 You have multiple options on how to execute a test suite. 

 h3. Running test suite in the dockerized environment 

 This is the much easier way to run the test suite.    No manual configuration of Osmocom programs or the test suite are required.    Both the Osmocom program (Implementation Under Test) as well as the test suite are packaged as docker containers, which are then executed next to each other using a docker network with the "right" addresses between IUT and testsuite. 

 Also, using this setup you will be guaranteed to run in the exact same environment as the automatically-executed tests on, i.e. your results should be exactly identical, without any differences introduced by your runtime environment, whether specific library versions or intentional or inadvertent configuration differences. 

 h4. Installing docker 

 Make sure you have "*docker-ce*": installed (not to be confused with the possibly outdated version that may be shipped in your distribution's repositories). Check that the version string contains <code>-ce</code> as follows: 

 $ docker -v 
 Docker version 18.06.1-ce, build e68fc7a 

 Next, add yourself to the <code>docker</code> group, log off and on again, and verify that you can use docker with your user: 

 $ docker info 

 h4. Cloning docker-playground 

 Osmocom related containers are stored in the "@docker-playground@": git repository. 

 $ git clone git:// 
 $ cd docker-playground 


 h4. Running a testsuite 

 All testsuite folders start with @ttcn3@ or @nplab@. Run the following to build/update all required containers and start a specific testsuite: 

 $ cd ttcn3-mgw-test 
 $ ./ 

 Environment variables: 
 * @IMAGE_SUFFIX@: the version of the Osmocom stack to run the testsuite against. Default is `master`, set this to `latest` to test the last stable releases. 
 * @OSMO_TTCN3_BRANCH@: "osmo-ttcn3-hacks.git": branch, which will be used when building a `ttcn3-*` docker image. Defaults to `master`. 
 * @OSMO_BSC_BRANCH@, @OSMO_MSC_BRANCH@, ...: branch of the appropriate Osmocom project. Defaults to `master`. 
 * @NO_DOCKER_IMAGE_BUILD@: when set to @1@, it won't try to update the containers (see "": 

 The script will make sure to 
 * create the needed docker network(s) 
 * run all the required containers (IUT, helpers, testsuite) 
 * shut them down after test suite execution 
 * collect the log files after execution, @/tmp/logs@ will contain them 


 h4. Running only a sub-set of the test cases 

 See running the testsuite outside of Docker for reference (below). 

 h3. Running it natively on your machine 

 This is the most complicated bit to set-up, as you will have to run the respective Osmocom Program (Implementation Under Test) in the right configuration with all the IP addresses, port numbers, config file, etc. exactly like it's expected by the test suite. 

 You will need a deeper understanding about how the test suite works, and what its requirement are. Oftentimes looking at how it's done in the Docker scripts is helpful. 

 h4. Preparation 

 As stated [[Titan_TTCN3_Testsuites##Proprietary-APERBER-transcoding-library-for-Iu-tests|above]] certain parts of the testsuite require libfftranscode! If the build fails this might be the issue. 
 $ apt install eclipse-titan 
 $ git clone git:// 
 $ cd osmo-ttc3-hacks/deps 
 $ make 

 h4. Compile a testsuite 

 Let's compile the @mgw@ testsuite for example: 

 $ cd mgw 
 $ ./ 
 $ ./ 

 The next command will transform the TTCN3 test data into C++ code. Do not use @-j@ here, that won't work (and it is pretty fast anyway). 
 $ make compile 

 Note: if you observe errors during @make compile@, try running it from top-level as @make mgw@ which should trigger dependency update. 

 Finally compile the testsuite: 
 $ make -j5 


 h4. Run a testsuite 

 Start the component that is about to get tested with the config that the testsuite expects. Again, with @mgw@ as example. If you don't have a suitable config file, use "the one from Jenkins": and replace all IPs with @ 
 $ osmo-mgw -c osmo-mgw.cfg 

 Then run the testsuite: 
 $ cd osmo-ttcn3-hacks/mgw 
 $ ../ ./MGCP_test MGCP_Test.cfg 

 Afterwards you can merge and format the logs as follows: 
 $ ttcn3_logmerge MGCP_test*.log > ./merged.log 
 $ ttcn3_logformat ./merged.log > ./result.log 
 $ ../ MGCP_test 


 h4. Running only a sub-set of the test cases 

 Running whole testsuites may take a long time. If you only want to run one specific test, or a subset of tests, open up the @_*Test.cfg@ file in the folder of the testsuite and edit the @[EXECUTE]@ section. For example, in "@MGCP_Test.cfg@": from the @mgw@ folder it looks like the following:  


 The only line that is *not* commented out is @MGCP_Test.control@. This @*.control@ line will cause all tests to be executed. So comment this line out, and then activate one of the lines of which you would like to execute the tests (see the example below). Then execute the testsuite as usually, and it will skip all commented out tests. 


 h2. Reading the logs 

 * @xfail@ means, that a test is known to fail, @FAIL@ are unexpected test failures 
 * search for @setverdict(@ to find the results of single tests. @-> fail@ should be the location where a test is failing. 

 h2. Further information 

 * April 2018 talk by Harald on "State of the Osmocom TTCN-3 Test Suites":
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